7.5' x 46" Noble Classic Realistic Tree, Unlit, Medium
7.5' x 46" Noble Classic Realistic Tree, Unlit, Medium
7.5' x 46" Noble Classic Realistic Tree, Unlit, Medium is the most wanted {7.5' x 46" Noble Classic Realistic Tree, Unlit, Medium} currently. If you're looking for an original 7.5' x 46" Noble Classic Realistic Tree, Unlit, Medium, we suggest this product would be the good choice.
Description - Described as 'Strong and Sturdy' by Good Housekeeping. The Noble Classic may be the closest to a real Noble / Frasier branch tip as we have seen. The needles are realistic. Look at the close up branch photo and notice the naturally irregular needles.
Height - 7.5 Foot
Width - 46 Inch
Usage - Indoor Only
Branch Tips - 1,880
Branch Construction - The branch needle is made of a combination of Polyethylene (PE) and PVC. The molded PE creates a realistic Christmas tree wh
In addition to affordable price, this product also comes with many interesting features. This keyword will surely complements your living necessities.
This 7.5' x 46" Noble Classic Realistic Tree, Unlit, Medium click here to get PRICE
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