ACE TRADING - NATIONAL TREE #2 PEPN2-315L-70 Celebrations Slim Prelit Tree Multi-Colored 7'

ACE TRADING - NATIONAL TREE #2 PEPN2-315L-70 Celebrations Slim Prelit Tree Multi-Colored 7'

amazon : ACE TRADING - NATIONAL TREE #2 PEPN2-315L-70 Celebrations Slim Prelit Tree Multi-Colored 7'

ACE TRADING - NATIONAL TREE #2 PEPN2-315L-70 Celebrations Slim Prelit Tree Multi-Colored 7' is the most wanted {ACE TRADING - NATIONAL TREE #2 PEPN2-315L-70 Celebrations Slim Prelit Tree Multi-Colored 7'} at this time. Whenever you're looking for an original ACE TRADING - NATIONAL TREE #2 PEPN2-315L-70 Celebrations Slim Prelit Tree Multi-Colored 7', then this product is the good answer.


7 ft. tall
300 LED multi-colored lights
865 tips
38" diameter
Besides of the affordability, this product is also equipped with variety interesting features. This product course will complements your necessities of life.

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