7.5' x 95" Crystal White Christmas Upside Down Tree, Unlit
7.5' x 95" Crystal White Christmas Upside Down Tree, Unlit
7.5' x 95" Crystal White Christmas Upside Down Tree, Unlit is the most wanted {7.5' x 95" Crystal White Christmas Upside Down Tree, Unlit} right now. When you're searching for an original 7.5' x 95" Crystal White Christmas Upside Down Tree, Unlit, we suggest this product would be the real choice.
Description - The Crystal White tree with its pure white branches provides a great backdrop for your cherished ornaments and decorations.
Height - 7.5 Foot
Width - 95 Inch
Branch Construction - The needle is made of 2 ply, PVC with each ply being 12 micron thick. The bigger the number the better.
Usage - Indoor Only
Branch Tips - 2,063 tips. All branch tips are the same size and color.
Branch Construction - The branch needle is made of PVC. PVC is the standard in artificial Chr
In addition to its attractive pricing, this product also features with many interesting features. This product will surely complement your needs.
This 7.5' x 95" Crystal White Christmas Upside Down Tree, Unlit click here to get PRICE
We have already done the research and spent a lot of time to give the best price for you. When you still unsure, you may see anything they said about this 7.5' x 95" Crystal White Christmas Upside Down Tree, Unlit.