12' x 77" Asheville Fraser Realistic Tree, Staylit, Clear

12' x 77" Asheville Fraser Realistic Tree, Staylit, Clear

amazon : 12' x 77

12' x 77" Asheville Fraser Realistic Tree, Staylit, Clear is the best selling {12' x 77" Asheville Fraser Realistic Tree, Staylit, Clear} today. When you're hunting for top rated 12' x 77" Asheville Fraser Realistic Tree, Staylit, Clear, we suggest this product will be the real answer.

Description - This is one of our best selling trees with a medium, molded needle in a medium green color. The Stay Lit lights by NOMA are technologically advanced to stay lit even when bulbs are broken or missing. Look at the large branch picture to see the realism!
Lights - 2,850 Clear Stay Lit lights by NOMA. This technologically advanced light strand stays lit even if several bulbs are burned out, broken or removed.
Bulbs - Bulbs are 220 Milliamp; these are the brightest, longest lastin
Besides of its affordability, this product also comes with so many interesting features. This product of course will complement your necessities of life.

This 12' x 77" Asheville Fraser Realistic Tree, Staylit, Clear click here to get PRICE

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