Brighton Fir Prelit Tree - 8.5' Full Pre-Lit Brighton Fir Tree, 1700 Clear Lamps
Brighton Fir Prelit Tree - 8.5' Full Pre-Lit Brighton Fir Tree, 1700 Clear Lamps
Brighton Fir Prelit Tree - 8.5' Full Pre-Lit Brighton Fir Tree, 1700 Clear Lamps is the best selling {Brighton Fir Prelit Tree - 8.5' Full Pre-Lit Brighton Fir Tree, 1700 Clear Lamps} these days. If you're hunting for good Brighton Fir Prelit Tree - 8.5' Full Pre-Lit Brighton Fir Tree, 1700 Clear Lamps, we suggest this product will be the good answer.
Brighton Fir Tree with Full profile8.5' in height71 Inches base width1700 twist proof Clear lightsIf one bulb goes out the rest stay lit3589 Green PVC Rounded tipsHinged construction for easy setupIncludes: Light Tester, Extra Bulbs and Fuses, Folding Metal StandFlame retardant and non-allergenic
Besides from its attractive pricing, this product also comes with so many exciting features. This product will completely complements your living necessities.
This Brighton Fir Prelit Tree - 8.5' Full Pre-Lit Brighton Fir Tree, 1700 Clear Lamps click here to get PRICE
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