12" Carmel Pine Cone Artificial Christmas Tree with Wood Base - Unlit

12" Carmel Pine Cone Artificial Christmas Tree with Wood Base - Unlit

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12" Carmel Pine Cone Artificial Christmas Tree with Wood Base - Unlit is the best selling {12" Carmel Pine Cone Artificial Christmas Tree with Wood Base - Unlit} in these days. If you're looking for the best 12" Carmel Pine Cone Artificial Christmas Tree with Wood Base - Unlit, we suggest this product is the best choice.

Carmel Pine Artificial Christmas Tree
Item #C803912This delightful tree comes with an attached wooden base and is decorated with mini 1" long pine conesProduct Features
152 branch tips
Recommended for indoor use
No assembly required - tree comes in one pieceDimensions: 12 inches high (from bottom of wood base to top of tree)
Material(s): PVC/pine cones/metal/wood
Besides of low costs, this product is also equipped with variety of interesting features. This product will completely complement your needs.

This 12" Carmel Pine Cone Artificial Christmas Tree with Wood Base - Unlit click here to get PRICE

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