5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights

5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights

amazon : 5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights

5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights is the best selling {5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights} right now. When you're searching for an original 5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights, we suggest this product will be the real answer.

Mixed Pine Cashmere Artificial Christmas Tree
Item #A118257LEDFeatures a mixture of perfectly molded light green PE tips and long needle tips that are mixed with PVC tips to give the tree a nice full look.Features:
802 branch tips
Pre-lit with 350 LED multi-colored mini lights
If one bulb burns out, the rest will stay lit
Multi-color consists of red, purple, blue, green, orange, clear and pink bulbs
Hinged branch construction
Easy assembly
Light sets on tree are UL l
Aside from affordable price, this product also comes with variety exciting features. This product course will complement your needs.

This 5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights click here to get PRICE

We have already done the research and spent lots of time to get the most beneficial deal for you. When you have any doubts, you can find what they said about this 5.5' Mixed Pine Cashmere Full Artificial Christmas Tree - LED Multi Lights.

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