9' x 48" Tiffany Spruce Realistic Tree, Prelit, Multi-Color
9' x 48" Tiffany Spruce Realistic Tree, Prelit, Multi-Color
9' x 48" Tiffany Spruce Realistic Tree, Prelit, Multi-Color is one of the best {9' x 48" Tiffany Spruce Realistic Tree, Prelit, Multi-Color} at this time. When you're searching for the best 9' x 48" Tiffany Spruce Realistic Tree, Prelit, Multi-Color, we recommend this product will be the good choice.
Description - Are you looking for a traditional Christmas tree? The Tiffany's branches have a natural elegance with light to medium green tips. The branch tips blend long and short needles in shades of green, suggesting the softness of fresh, new growth.
Lights - 750 Multi-Color Mini Lights, If bulb is removed, shorted or broken, stand goes out. If a bulb burns out, strand stays on.
Bulbs - Bulbs are 170 Milliamp to create a bright display of light.
Replacement Lights - Each tree comes
Besides of affordable price, this product also features with variety of exciting features. This keyword will surely complement your living needs.
This 9' x 48" Tiffany Spruce Realistic Tree, Prelit, Multi-Color click here to get PRICE
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