7.5' x 57" Williamsburg Pine Realistic Tree, Unlit
7.5' x 57" Williamsburg Pine Realistic Tree, Unlit
7.5' x 57" Williamsburg Pine Realistic Tree, Unlit is the best {7.5' x 57" Williamsburg Pine Realistic Tree, Unlit} nowadays. If you're hunting for good 7.5' x 57" Williamsburg Pine Realistic Tree, Unlit, then this 7.5' x 57" Williamsburg Pine Realistic Tree, Unlit will be the best answer.
Description - NEW this year! Finally, a tree with all molded needles for maximum realism. The long, elegant branches have a wild, fresh-cut look. The open branches showcase your prized ornaments.
Height - 7.5 Foot
Width - 57 Inch
Usage - Indoor Only
Branch Tips - 1,657
Branch Construction - There is no PVC in the body of this tree. The branches are made of 100% Polytehelene. The centerpole is covered with a wood pulp flock. For Prelit Trees: As with most power cords, it is made w
Besides of affordable price, this product also features with variety of interesting features. This product of course will answer your needs.
This 7.5' x 57" Williamsburg Pine Realistic Tree, Unlit click here to get PRICE
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