4.5' x 36" Black Christmas Tree, Prelit, Clear, Slim

4.5' x 36" Black Christmas Tree, Prelit, Clear, Slim

amazon : 4.5' x 36

4.5' x 36" Black Christmas Tree, Prelit, Clear, Slim is one of the best {4.5' x 36" Black Christmas Tree, Prelit, Clear, Slim} in these days. Whenever you're hunting for good 4.5' x 36" Black Christmas Tree, Prelit, Clear, Slim, then this 4.5' x 36" Black Christmas Tree, Prelit, Clear, Slim will be the good option.

Description - The Black Ashley Christmas Tree has high gloss needles on downswept branches adding elegance and drama to your holiday decor - probably why it was featured on HGTV holiday show.
Lights - 250 Clear Mini Lights, If bulb is removed, shorted or broken, stand goes out. If a bulb burns out, strand stays on.
Bulbs - Bulbs are 170 Milliamp to create a bright display of light.
Height - 4.5 Foot
Width - 36 Inch
Branch Construction - The needle is made of 2 ply, PVC with each
Besides from its attractive pricing, this product also features with variety attractive features. This keyword of course will complements your living necessities.

This 4.5' x 36" Black Christmas Tree, Prelit, Clear, Slim click here to get PRICE

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