4.5' Hunter Fir Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights

4.5' Hunter Fir Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights

amazon : 4.5' Hunter Fir Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights

4.5' Hunter Fir Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights is the most wanted {4.5' Hunter Fir Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights} now. Whenever you're looking for the best 4.5' Hunter Fir Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights, we recommend this product will be the best choice.

4.5 Foot Hunter Fir Artificial Christmas Tree
By GKI/Bethlehem Lighting
Item #1811701Features:
1516 branch tips made of hardy PE(polyethylene)/PVC needles
300 multi-color mini lights, safety certified and UL listed. Locked in their sockets lamps will not come loose. String stays lit if one lamp goes out.
Multi-color lights consist of: red, purple, blue, green, orange, and yellow
44" base width (at widest point)Additional product features:
This traditional Hunter Tree is s
In addition to its attractive pricing, this product is also equipped with so many attractive features. This product will certainly answer your living necessities.

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