3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit

3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit

amazon : 3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit

3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit is the best selling {3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit} presently. In case that you're searching for the best 3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit, we recommend this 3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit would be the best option.

3 Foot Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree
Item #DRMST030-0200HGThis unique wall tree saves much needed space! Just set-up and enjoy the luminous beauty of a festive tree without the hassle of rearranging furniture.Features:
200 branch tips
Hinged branch construction
Tree comes in one-piece, no assembly needed
Recommended for indoor use only Dimensions: 3 feet high (from the base of stand to the top of the tree)
22 inch base diameter (widest point)
Besides of low costs, this product also features with so many exciting features. This product will surely answer your necessities of life.

This 3' Traditional Green Cedar Pine Artificial Christmas Wall Tree - Unlit click here to get PRICE

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