2' Pre-Lit White Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

2' Pre-Lit White Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

amazon : 2' Pre-Lit White Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

2' Pre-Lit White Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights is the best selling {2' Pre-Lit White Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights} currently. Whenever you're wanted to buy top rated 2' Pre-Lit White Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights, we recommend this product will be the real option.

2 Foot Pre-Lit White Artificial Christmas TreeItem #92813Product Features:Pre-lit with 35 clear mini lights on white wire70 tipsHinged branch constructionComes with a plastic white standLight set is UL listed for indoor and outdoor use. The tree as a whole is recommended for indoor use only. 22" white lead cordInput: 120V 60Hz Dimensions: 2 feet highBase diameter of tree: approximately 14" (at widest point)Material(s): PVC/wire/durable plastic stand
Aside from low costs, this product also comes with variety exciting features. This product course will complements your living needs.

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