Pack of 12 Nature's Glow Green Glittered Berry Christmas Holiday Sprays 33"

Pack of 12 Nature's Glow Green Glittered Berry Christmas Holiday Sprays 33"

amazon : Pack of 12 Nature's Glow Green Glittered Berry Christmas Holiday Sprays 33

Pack of 12 Nature's Glow Green Glittered Berry Christmas Holiday Sprays 33" is one of the best {Pack of 12 Nature's Glow Green Glittered Berry Christmas Holiday Sprays 33"} at present. Whenever you're wish to buy the best Pack of 12 Nature's Glow Green Glittered Berry Christmas Holiday Sprays 33", then this product would be the real option.

From the Nature's Glow CollectionItem # 40629These artificial floral sprays are the perfect accent to any Christmas arrangement or craft projectDimensions: 33"LMaterial(s): plastic/foam/glitterPack includes 12 green berry sprays as shown
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