9' Pre-Lit Champagne Artificial Pencil Tinsel Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

9' Pre-Lit Champagne Artificial Pencil Tinsel Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

amazon : 9' Pre-Lit Champagne Artificial Pencil Tinsel Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

9' Pre-Lit Champagne Artificial Pencil Tinsel Christmas Tree - Clear Lights is one of the best {9' Pre-Lit Champagne Artificial Pencil Tinsel Christmas Tree - Clear Lights} at this time. When you're wish to buy the best 9' Pre-Lit Champagne Artificial Pencil Tinsel Christmas Tree - Clear Lights, then this product will be the good option.

9 Foot Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree
Item #B103481This pre-lit tree is an exciting hard-to-find designer champagne color, with matching champagne wire and clear bulbs.
The needles on the tree are a mixture of silver and champagne colored tinsel which creates a majestic effect.Product features:
1401 tips that are 2 inches wide
Pencil profile
Pre-lit with 550 clear miniature lights
If one bulbs burns out, the rest stay lit
Hinged branch construction
5 foot long
Besides of its attractive pricing, this product also comes with many interesting features. This product will completely complement your living needs.

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