9.5' Pre-Lit Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Dura Lights

9.5' Pre-Lit Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Dura Lights

amazon : 9.5' Pre-Lit Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Dura Lights

9.5' Pre-Lit Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Dura Lights is the best selling {9.5' Pre-Lit Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Dura Lights} at this time. If you're searching for the best 9.5' Pre-Lit Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Dura Lights, we recommend this product will be the real answer.

9.5 Foot Pre-Lit Salem Pine Artificial Christmas Tree
Item #A103086Product Features:
Pre-lit with 600 clear color Dura-Lit lights
Dura-Lit lights are a true luxury. Not only if one bulb burns out will the rest will stay lit, but you can actually pull the bulbs out of their sockets and the rest will stay lit!
Bulb size: miniature
Bulb color: clear
1171 tips Tree color: medium green
Pencil profile (very slender)
Hinged-branch construction
Tree come in multiple se
Besides of its attractive pricing, this product also comes with many interesting features. This product of course will complements your life needs.

This 9.5' Pre-Lit Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Dura Lights click here to get PRICE

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