8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights

8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights

amazon : 8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights

8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights is one of the best {8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights} nowadays. Whenever you're wish to buy good 8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights, then this 8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights will be the real choice.

8.5 Foot Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Artificial Christmas Tree
Item #A103282Gorgeous white tips have a slight shine to them that lightly sparkles when the tree is litProduct Features:
877 branch tips
Pre-lit with 450 Dura-lit multi lights
Dura-Lit lights are a true luxury. Not only if one bulb burns out will the rest will stay lit, but you can actually pull the bulbs out of their sockets and the rest will stay lit!
Multi-color bulbs consist of: red, pink, purple, green, blue a
Besides from affordable price, this product is also equipped with variety of attractive features. This product will certainly complement your necessities of life.

This 8.5' Pre-Lit White Salem Pine Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights click here to get PRICE

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