7' Pre-Lit Traditional Pacific Pine Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

7' Pre-Lit Traditional Pacific Pine Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

amazon : 7' Pre-Lit Traditional Pacific Pine Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

7' Pre-Lit Traditional Pacific Pine Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights is the best selling {7' Pre-Lit Traditional Pacific Pine Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights} nowadays. In case that you're wish to buy the best 7' Pre-Lit Traditional Pacific Pine Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights, we suggest this product would be the good choice.

7 Foot Traditional Pacific Pine Artificial Christmas Tree
By GKI/Bethlehem Lighting
Item #100026267
The Pacific Pine features two styles of lacy needles with multiple shades of dark green. True to its name, the Pacific Pine's grand lavish foliage and profile pay homage to the lush evergreens of the Northwest.Features:
3783 branch tips made of hardy PE/PVC needles
.75-1 inch wide tips
The molded tips are hand painted for a very natural look
600 clear mini lights, safet
In addition to its attractive pricing, this product also features with so many exciting features. This keyword will completely answer your life needs.

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