7' Pre-Lit Colorado Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights
7' Pre-Lit Colorado Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights
7' Pre-Lit Colorado Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights is one of the best {7' Pre-Lit Colorado Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights} at present. If you're wish to buy an original 7' Pre-Lit Colorado Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights, we recommend this 7' Pre-Lit Colorado Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights is the real answer.
7' Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree
From the Colorado Spruce Collection
Item #E883172
Features a mixture of perfectly molded PE tips and PVC tips which creates a very realistic and full lookProduct Features:
1108 Tips
Material(s): PE/PVC/Metal
Dimensions: 7 feet high
47" base diameter (at the widest point)
Hinged-branch construction
550 multi dura-lit miniature lights
Dura-lit lights allow you to pull the bulbs right out of their sockets and all the other ligh
Aside from affordable price, this product is also equipped with many exciting features. This keyword course will answer your needs.
This 7' Pre-Lit Colorado Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree - Multi Lights click here to get PRICE
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