3' Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Potted Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

3' Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Potted Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

amazon : 3' Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Potted Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights

3' Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Potted Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights is the best {3' Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Potted Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights} presently. In case that you're searching for top rated 3' Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Potted Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights, we recommend this product will be the best answer.

3 Foot Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Artificial Christmas Tree
Item #164037This beautiful little tree comes pre-decorated with frosted pine cones and green acorns
Pre-lit with 70 clear mini lights
Light sets on tree are for indoor or outdoor use, however the tree itself is recommended for indoor use only ?
UL listed ? Dimensions: 3 feet high
Material(s): metal/plastic/glass bulbs/wire
Besides from its affordability, this product also comes with many exciting features. This product of course will complement your life needs.

This 3' Pre-Lit Yukon Fir Potted Artificial Christmas Tree - Clear Lights click here to get PRICE

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